SleepHub® owner's guide
If you’ve recently purchased a SleepHub® sleep aid device, welcome to our SleepHub® community. Here, you’ll find everything you need to help get you started.
Watch the video: Owners guide to getting started with SleepHub®
Getting set up
Inside your SleepHub® box you will find:
• SleepHub® main unit
• Two speakers
• Two RCA cables (1 x 5m and 1 x 2m)
• Mains power adapter
• Getting started guide
If any of these items are missing or appear damaged, please contact us.
Please retain the original box and all packaging, and the shipping box, until you are certain you no longer need them.
For more product information download the full SleepHub® user manual by clicking the button below.
Decide where your SleepHub® will be set up, close to where you will be sleeping.
You will need an available mains plug socket nearby. Here are our tips for optimal placement of your SleepHub® and speakers:
• Place the speakers either side of where the user(s) will be sleeping, for the best stereo sound quality.If either side is not possible, the speakers can be placed facing the bed or behind the bed. The key is to achieve stereo field of sound.
• Both speakers should be directed towards the head of the user, with your head being in the central area where the sound from both speakers meets.
• Speakers should be positioned at a similar level to the user(s). For example, if your bed is raised off the floor, avoid locating the SleepHub® on the floor. A bedside table is ideal.
Once you've settled on the location in your room for your SleepHub® and speakers, connect the speakers to the SleepHub® main unit using the RCA cables provided. A wired audio connection offers the best quality of sound. We have provided 2 lengths of high-quality RCA cable:
• The 2m cable should be connected from the speaker closest to the main SleepHub® unit.
• The 5m cable should be connected from the speaker furthest from the main SleepHub® unit.
Next, plug the power adapter into a mains wall socket and connect it to the back of the main SleepHub® unit.
Ensure all cables are tidy and not running where they could pose a hazard.
If you are unsure about where to set up your SleepHub®, or have any questions regarding the positioning of your device, please get in touch with us.
Next, find out how to prepare your SleepHub® ready for your first use.
Using SleepHub® for the first time
Now you've got your SleepHub® set up in your room and plugged in, you can explore the settings on the screen ready for your first use.
1. Connect to WiFi
Connecting to WiFi will ensure your SleepHub® is always up to date with the latest available software. This is especially important for the first time you set up your device. To connect to your local WiFi network:
• Tap the touch screen with your finger to turn the main SleepHub® unit on
• From the home screen, tap the settings cog icon to access the settings menu
• Select WiFi and follow the on-screen prompts to select and connect to your local WiFi network. Enter the network password when prompted.
Whenever there is an available software update, you will be prompted on the screen to update.
2. Install software updates
From time to time there will be new software updates available in order to improve your SleepHub® experience.
We highly recommend installing software updates when they become available in order to use the most up to date features and bug fixes.
How to install a software update:
• When connected to the WiFi, your SleepHub® will automatically check for software updates
• SleepHub® will prompt you to install the latest software when an update is available
• Tap the OK button to proceed
• Your SleepHub® will install the update and restart.Should you encounter an error when updating, try rebooting your SleepHub® by unplugging from the mains power supply for a few moments, then turning on again.
The software update prompt should reappear. If you ever want to know which version of software is installed on your SleepHub®, you can find this information by going to Settings > About. You will also find your model and serial number here.
3. Set your language preferences
When you power your SleepHub® on for the first time, the language will be in English. The following languages are available on your SleepHub®:
• Chinese
• Dutch
• English
• French
• German
• Italian
• Japanese
• Korean
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Spanish
• Swedish
How to change the language
• Tap the settings cog icon on the home screen to open the settings menu
• Select 'choose language' from the menu
• Scroll through to choose your language and click 'select'.
4. Set the time zone, time and date
Once your SleepHub® is connected to WiFi, the time and date should automatically update. However, if you need to set the time zone, time and date manually, here's how:
• Tap the settings icon on the home screen to open the settings menu
• Choose 'Date & Time' on the settings screen
• To change the time zone, scroll through the menu and select the appropriate option
• Select the correct date and time and click 'Select'. Now, your SleepHub® is ready for helping you on your journey to better quality sleep.
Next, learn about sleep sounds and soundscapes
With our superior sound quality speakers, connect your music playing device to your SleepHub® using Bluetooth.
To connect to your Bluetooth enabled audio device
• On your audio device (such as your smartphone or laptop) search for and connect to ‘SleepHub®’ Please refer to your audio device’s instructions on how to do this, if required.
• You may now use the premium audio technology of your SleepHub® to play your favourite music and sounds.
Please note, you cannot use this function during an active sleep mode cycle.
Sleep sounds & soundscapes
The sleep sound is the pure tone rhythms and pulses played in specific sequences through the high-quality audio speakers.
In the same way that music influences your emotions and changes your mood, SleepHub® sleep sounds influence your brain activity to improve your sleep. Essentially, they encourage the brain to switch from poor sleep behaviour to good sleep behaviour and just like changing a physical behaviour, this requires repeated use over time.
These sound waves are what makes SleepHub® effective at helping with insomnia and other sleep issues.
Over the last few years, white noise and sound loops like fan noise and running water have become a popular way to help people fall asleep. These sounds can be effective sleep aids because they can help you relax and help in cutting out other background noises. SleepHub® does have optional soundscapes such as these to play, but remember, it’s the scientifically engineered sleep sounds that are effective in communicating with your brain to restore your natural sleep patterns.
How to use SleepHub® sleep sounds
• After swiping ‘slide to sleep’, followed by the play button, your chosen sleep mode will begin.
• You will hear the low frequency sleep sound, which sounds like a hum. This sound is what will help you fall asleep and be effective at teaching your brain to complete sleep cycles in the correct sequence.
• The sleep sound volume should be set at a low volume so it can be heard faintly, but clearly. If you have chosen to use a soundscape in conjunction with the sleep sound you will also hear this begin at the same time.
• To turn off your soundscape you can turn the volume to 0 in the volume control menu.
Your SleepHub® can be adjusted to play sleep sounds, soundscapes and alarm sounds at varying levels and balanced across the two speakers.
To access the volume control menu:
• Tap the settings cog icon from the home screen
• In the settings menu, tap the volume control button
• Use the sliders, marked soundscape, sleep sound, & alarm to set the relatives levels of volumes.
The sleep sound volume should be set at a low volume so it can be heard faintly, but clearly.
The soundscape level should be set slightly lower than the sleep sound.
The alarm volume can be set to suit your preference, and the volume of the alarm sound will increase gradually to wake you gently. You also have multiple options for your choice of alarm tone, select your favourite from the alarm sounds menu, via the settings icon.
Use the slider marked ‘balance’, to set the preferred levels across the two speakers, creating the right environment in the room.
It may take a couple of nights get the volume levels and balance as you’d like them.
It’s important to check in that you’ve set SleepHub up correctly. Here are our top tips for getting the most from your SleepHub®
1. Check where your speakers are positioned
This is the number one MOST important factor in how effective your SleepHub® will be at helping improve your sleep. Both speakers should be directed towards your head. Preferably one either side of your bed, as close to the bed as possible, and at the same level. The speakers can also be placed behind the bed or facing the bed. When settling down to sleep, your head should be in the central point where the sound from both speakers meets. This is the optimal field of sound.
2. Adjust the volume of the sleep sound
The second most important factor in how effective your SleepHub® will be. The sleep sound volume should be set at a low volume so it can be heard faintly, but clearly. If you have chosen an optional soundscape to play in conjunction with the sleep sound, the volume of the sleep sound should be slightly higher than the soundscapes.
3. Try adjusting the balance between the speakers
Sleep sounds are most effective when they are played in stereo, which is why we provide two high-quality speakers. Once you’re happy with their position, it may be necessary to adjust the left and right volume balance, using the on-screen slider in the volume control menu. For example, if the right speaker is further away from you than the left speaker, try making the right speaker slightly louder to balance the sound.
4. Try the different soundscapes
From a trickling stream, rain pitter-pattering on the window and gentle ocean waves to white, pink and brown noise - there are a variety of optional soundscapes to help you relax. Each one may take some getting used to so we recommend trying a new one every 3 days to find your favourite.
5. Try the different sleep modes
The Deep Sleep mode is the recommended starting program for beginners with SleepHub®. However this 8 hour cycle may not always fit in with your schedule, so you could try Easy Sleep, which will optimise the sleep cycles in the time that you do have if you can’t squeeze in a full 8 hours. Some users prefer to use Fall Asleep, a 2 hour program to guide you into a deep sleep phase. And if you don’t manage to get your recommended full 8 hours of sleep, you can top up with a nap using the Power Nap mode. Try each mode to see what suits you best.
6. Establish a routine
It’s not always easy to go to bed at the same time each day, especially if you work shifts. But if you can, a regular bedtime can really help your circadian rhythm and help you sleep better. In turn, waking up at the same time each day will help with feeling alert and ready for the day ahead. When you establish a sleep routine in conjunction with using SleepHub®, you’re giving yourself the best opportunity to improve your sleep.
7. Keep a sleep journal to track your progress
Sometimes change happens in small steps, but before you know it, you’ve made some big progress. There are many variables that affect how we sleep, consequently you may feel like your progress is two steps forward, and one step back - but remember, this is still progress! It’s worth keeping a diary and taking some regular notes about your experiences using SleepHub® to chart the progress of your sleep journey, noting the settings you find help you the most. If you are experiencing any problems with your SleepHub®and would like some advice, please get in touch with us
Soundscapes are endless loops of relaxing sounds that can be played in conjunction with the all-important sleep sounds that make SleepHub® effective. You can select from a variety of optional soundscapes on your SleepHub® to help create the right sleep environment for you.
It is important to note:
• Whilst the soundscapes are optional to use, it is the sleep sound which retrains your brain to natural sleep
• When using soundscapes with the sleep sound, the volume of the sleep sound should always be slightly higher than the volume of the soundscape
Soundscape options include:
· Falling rain · Ocean waves · Natural wind · A running stream · A passing train· White noise · Brown noise · Pink noise
Did you know there are different colours of noise?
You may have heard of white noise as a popular noise to help with sleep. Other noise colours include pink and brown. Each has a different frequency and texture of sound.
We have included white noise, brown noise and pink noise as soundscapes for you to try with your SleepHub®. You will audibly hear the difference as you switch between them in the soundscapes menu.
• White noise combines all audible tones and frequencies that a human can hear. It is often used to mask other noises and is therefore useful for sleep.
• Pink noise is deeper than white noise. Nature is full of pink noise, including heartbeat rhythms, rustling leaves, steady rain and wind.
• Brown noise has higher energy at lower frequencies and is deeper than white and pink noise. In nature, thunder and waterfalls have brown noise and promotes relaxation.
Your SleepHub® has been especially engineered to deliver the very best audio sound quality. We recommend a couple of nights trying each soundscape to get used to them and discover which you find the most soothing.
Tell us your which your favourite soundscape is and post a picture of your SleepHub on social media, including the hashtag #mysleephub
To turn soundscapes on:
• From the sleep screen, tap the soundscape icon to access the soundscape menu
• Scroll through the choices of soundscape, allowing each to play a demo
• When you have selected your preferred soundscape, tap the OK button to proceed. Alternatively, tap the back arrow to return to the sleep screen.
You can adjust the volume of your soundscape in the volume menu. Here you can also use the sliders to adjust the volume balance between sleep sounds, soundscapes, alarm sounds and the balance between the speakers.
The soundscape volume level should be set slightly lower than the sleep sound.
It may take a couple of nights to adjust to a new soundscape, and to get the volume levels and balance as you’d like them.
To turn soundscapes off:
• If you'd prefer to just have the sleep sounds on, you can slide the soundscape volume down to 0 in the Volume control menu.
Sleep modes & alarms
There are four modes to select on your SleepHub®. We’ll explain what each mode is does to help get you started.
Deep Sleep
A fixed 8 hour sleep programme which includes an 18 minute wake up cycle and alarm. Ideal if you have a regular schedule which allows for an undisturbed 8 hour rest period.
Easy Sleep
An alternative to Deep Sleep for when you only have a set amount of time to sleep. This customised programme automatically takes you through the optimum sleep pattern for the time you set.*
Fall Asleep
A 2 hour sleep programme to guide you into deep sleep with optional wake-up alarm. Ideal if you struggle to get to sleep, but usually remain asleep once you do.
Power Nap
Guides users into an energising nap with optional wake-up alarm. You can choose from 30, 45 and 60 minute nap programmes. Naps are ideal if you don’t manage to get your full 8 hour ‘big’ sleep. Our research shows that a 45 minute nap mid afternoon can be really beneficial. Find out more about why napping can be so powerful.
*Our research has shown that 8 hours of sleep is the recommended gold standard when it comes to length of sleep time. But sometimes this may not be practical. Perhaps you stayed up late watching 'just one more episode’ of the latest TV series last night and just can’t squeeze those 8 hours in before getting up for work the next day. Or you need to get up early to catch a train. Whatever your circumstance, Easy Sleep gives you flexibility.
As 8 hours is the optimum period of sleep, the sleep sounds will come to an end after an 8 hour period in Deep Sleep and Easy Sleep modes.
Read on to learn more about setting the alarm
Choose your favourite alarm tone from the alarm sounds menu. Here’s how to use alarms with each of the sleep modes
Check you are happy with the volume of the alarm before settling down to sleep.
Your chosen alarm tone will sound at the end of your selected Sleep Mode. It will start quietly and gently rise to the full volume it has been set to.
Deep Sleep
As Deep Sleep is always an 8 hour total cycle, the alarm sound you choose will play 8 hours after you press play, to begin the cycle. This is the recommended golden standard of sleep duration for the majority of adults. You will notice on the sleep screen, that the alarm button is non-functional, when using the Deep Sleep mode.
Easy Sleep
Using the Easy Sleep function, you may set an alarm to sound after the sleep cycle, which in Easy Sleep can be 2-8 hours. On the sleep screen, you will notice an On / Off toggle switch, (see below) next to the usual alarm button. By tapping the alarm button, you can access the alarm time screen. Scroll through the hours and minutes to select your preferred time, then press OK to proceed. Alternatively, press Cancel to return to the sleep screen.
Fall Asleep
Using the Fall Asleep mode, you may set an alarm to sound at the time you wish to wake, some time after the sleep cycle completes. On the sleep screen, you will notice an On / Off toggle switch, (see below) next to the usual alarm button. By tapping the alarm button, you can access the alarm time screen. Scroll through the hours and minutes to select your preferred time, then press OK to proceed. Alternatively, press Cancel to return to the sleep screen.
Power Nap
Using the Power Nap mode, you may set an alarm to sound at the end of the predetermined sleep cycle. On the sleep screen, you will notice an On / Off toggle switch, next to the usual alarm button. You will notice on the sleep screen, that the alarm button is non-functional, when using the Power Nap mode.
For adults, more than 8 hours of sleep is not recommended, as too much sleep can be as problematic as too little. For this reason, in Deep Sleep and Easy Sleep modes, the sleep sounds will stop after your full five cycles are complete. You can set an alarm to sound after your 8 hour cycle, but you may find that you wake, feeling refreshed, ahead of your alarm.
If you would prefer for the alarm not to sound, in any sleep mode, slide the alarm volume control down to 0 before you begin the program.
User manual
View the full SleepHub® user manual PDF file by clicking the button below.
Should you encounter a problem with your SleepHub®, you may find our troubleshooting FAQs helpful, below.
Device won’t connect to wireless network
Disconnect the device from your network and then re-connect the device to the network.
Check that the network name (SSID), password and encryption settings for your wireless LAN access point/router have been set up correctly. Correct the settings as required, according to your local network details. Shorten the distance from the wireless LAN access point/router and remove any obstructions to improve signal first before re-connecting again.
Device not responding to commands
Disconnect the device from the power supply. Wait for 30 seconds. Reconnect the device.
Wrong date/time displayed
Check that yourSleepHub® is connected to the internet via WiFi connection. You can manually set the time, date and time zone using the settings menu if you don’t have a WiFi connection available.
Error occurs during software update
Disconnect the device from the power supply. Wait for 30 seconds. Reconnect the device. Follow the prompt to update software when it is next displayed. If you are having problems, please get in touch with us by clicking the button below.
Find answers to frequently asked questions on our SleepHub® FAQs page
What to expect from SleepHub®
Using SleepHub® to achieve better sleep means you will be addressing problems with sleep, rather than just masking them.
When you start to regain natural sleep patterns through regular and repeated use of SleepHub® the benefits you may experience include:
• Feeling more relaxed at bedtime
• Drifting to sleep easier
• Waking less frequently
• Getting back to sleep quicker if you do wake up
• Feeling more refreshed when you get up
• Reduced daytime tiredness
• Better mental, cognitive and physical performance during waking hours
• Stress reduction in everyday life
• Reduced headaches and migraines
• Increase in focus
• Overall wellbeing.
Each person who uses SleepHub® will experience sleep improvements at varying rates. During the 10+ years of developing SleepHub®, our research has shown that some people report benefits within a few days while others experience improvements after several weeks.
We recommend repeated and regular use of SleepHub® in order to restore your natural sleep patterns - practice really is key. The best way to break any bad habit is with repetition of a good one and like any training this can take time.
Your SleepHub® can deliver a range of sounds, settings and sleep modes to meet your ideal sleep experience. Finding the settings that suit you best may take several rounds of trialling different combinations.
Don’t forget that external factors such as nutrition, exercise and stress etc, may affect your expected sleep experience. And creating the right sleep environment, such as having a room temperature around 18°C, removing sources of light in your room and reducing screen use in the bedroom can also help to improve your sleep.
Keep a sleep journal to track your improvements
As you embark on your journey towards improved sleep, it is advised that you keep a sleep journal, to help track changes, and improve habits. Use your sleep journal to record your experiences and, as you progress on your journey, you should be able to see what improvements you have observed.
Noticing improvements with your sleep?
How long should SleepHub® be used for is a common question. It is important that you continue to use your SleepHub® long after you have started feeling a difference in order to continue building on the progress you have made. This repeated practice will continue to recondition your brain to retain natural sleeping patterns in the correct sequence over a long period of time.
When you first begin using SleepHub®, you may find that you dream and have vivid or lucid dreams more than usual. Most scientists consider true dreaming to occur in REM sleep.
We believe that because of the nature of the SleepHub® sleep sounds, you will be getting a better and deeper quality of sleep in all stages of the sleep cycle. Therefore, during REM sleep stages, you are likely to experience more vivid dreams and remember them upon waking because your REM sleep stages are adjusting to the new pattern. These should subside over time once the new pattern has been established.
Better sleep resources
In its’ right quantity and quality, sleep can vastly improve our overall wellbeing and everyday mental, physical and cognitive performance. This is something which is commonly underrated and taken for granted.
Athletes and sports people put a lot of emphasis on getting the right amount of rest and sleep because it’s crucial for aiding performance and recovery.
Getting consistent sleep, which has all 5 natural sleep cycles in the right order is a lost art for many of us, which is where SleepHub® helps to regain those normal and natural sleeping patterns.
According to, poor sleep can be linked to:
• Increased appetite
• Impaired brain function
• Poor exercise performance
• Weight gain
• Increased appetite
• Greater risk of heart disease and stroke
• Risk of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
• Inflammation
• Poor social and emotional interaction.
Good sleep can improve:
• Mood and wellbeing
• Concentration
• Productivity
• Memory
• Problem-solving
• Immune system function
• Maximise athletic performance, including speed, accuracy, reaction and recovery times.
Read on to find out about what happens when we sleep and just how much sleep we really need.
Although falling asleep may feel like your brain and body is shutting down, there is actually a lot happening within your brain. During a typically ‘good’ nights’ sleep, the brain moves through five different cycles of sleep and within each cycle there are different sleep stages and electrical patterns or brain waves that occur.
Sleep stages and sleep cycles
Before we fall asleep, there is usually a time of relaxed wakefulness or drowsiness. Our brain activity slows down and we fall into stage 1 of non-REM sleep. This stage only lasts a few minutes as we are drifting off. Then follows stage 2 of non-REM sleep. During this stage there are no eye movements or dreaming and you can easily be woken up.
Sleep then deepens into stage 3 non-REM sleep, where rolling eye movements occur. Heart rate and breathing rate is regular during non-REM sleep.
After about an hour of non-REM sleep, sleep lightens, and briefly passes through stages 2 and 1 again.
Following this, the first episode of REM sleep occurs. This stage will last around 10 - 20 minutes. Eyes move rapidly, heart rate and breathing rate become irregular.
After completing one full sequence of non-REM and REM sleep, this is called a sleep cycle.
The second episode of non-REM sleep progresses much like the first, and after about an hour, returns rapidly through stages 2 and 1 to another episode of REM sleep. This second REM episode lasts longer than the first - about 30 minutes.
The third episode of non-REM sleep includes less stage 3 non-REM sleep, perhaps none. Again, after about an hour, there is a return to REM sleep, and that third bout of REM is usually even longer than the second - about 45 minutes.
Overall, these sleep cycles of non-REM and REM sleep average about 90 minutes. After the last episode of REM sleep, we wake up. We almost always awake in the morning from the last episode of REM sleep.
Sleep researchers use a computer program and a graphic representation called a hypnogram, to track states over the sleep phase. During studies, when hypnograms are compared, the data reliably shows that the structure of human sleep is the same for nearly everyone. This is why SleepHub® can be used by so many people.
How SleepHub® can help restore your sleep cycles
In the 10+ years that SleepHub® was in development, we identified that so many of us have ‘forgotten’ how to move through the correct sleep cycles, and in their natural order. Through external factors and pressures of life, our sleeping patterns may have been disrupted for one reason or another, leading to poor sleep habits. It’s well documented that practice makes perfect - the brain responds well to repetition. This works for bad habits as well as good ones, and so you can see how poor sleep, over time, can easily lead to problems like insomnia.
With regular and repeated use of your SleepHub®, you can relearn good sleep habits and retrain your brain to follow normal and natural sleep cycles.
At some stage, we have all asked of ourselves ‘am I getting enough sleep?’. Exactly how much sleep should we aim to have?
A sleep duration of 8 hours is heralded by doctors and scientists as the golden standard length of time for adults. This time period allows your brain to experience all five sleep cycles, four to five times over.
Dr Chris Dickson, Chairman of Cambridge Sleep Sciences, explains why 8 hours is the optimal amount of sleep.
“A healthy night’s sleep should last 8 hours, allowing the brain to complete all five of the cycles it needs. Breaking up your sleeping pattern can deprive you of those cycles. The first three of the brain’s cycles are important for allowing your brain to perform its basic ‘housekeeping’ duties such as memory consolidation and clearing out toxins, for which you’ll need at least 5 hours of continuous sleep. The last two cycles are thought to promote creativity and ideas.”
In addition to using SleepHub®, there are some key things you can do to give yourself the best opportunity to improve your sleep. Here are some top tips on creating an environment that’s conducive for sleep:
A dark environment is best
Phone notifications, screens lighting up, the flashing lights of your toothbrush charger, digital clocks - they all emit light, and even in the smallest amount can be distracting when you’re trying to get to sleep, and can even disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm.
A dark environment will help with the production of the sleep hormone - melatonin - which plays an important part in helping us get to sleep. So, find ways to remove light sources in your bedroom where possible, and if you haven’t got them already, make blackout curtains high on your priority list.
Leave screens out of the bedroom
Ask yourself, do your digital devices have to be in the bedroom? With the exception of your SleepHub®, screens like TVs, laptops, tablets or phones are big distractions in the bedroom, and ideally should be kept away from the sanctuary of your bed. Many people with insomnia will turn to their screens when they’re awake in the middle of the night, but this can cause havoc with your circadian rhythm and be really unhelpful at helping you to get back to sleep. If you must have your phone in the bedroom with you, definitely make sure your notifications are not going to disturb you during the night and put the phone face down so the screen light isn’t likely to wake you. And if you do wake during the night? Try not to look at your phone, and try calming breathing exercises instead.
Get comfortable
If your bed isn’t comfy, that’s going to affect your body physically as well as the quality of your sleep. It’s worth investing in a mattress that supports you well and gives you a good, comfortable sleeping posture.
Consider the comfort of your bedroom space too. A tidy bedroom will help create a calm environment, so there’s merit in putting that pile of washing away!
Get the room temperature just right
The recommended bedroom temperature for adults is around 18°C (65°F), give or take a few degrees. This relates to your body’s internal temperature regulation. Because of this, a room temperature that is too warm can cause you to be restless and disrupt your sleep. Too cold or draughty and you may find it difficult to fall asleep, and impact other aspects of your health.
Reduce noises
You’ll inevitably find a noisy environment difficult to sleep in. Sudden or loud noises can be incredibly frustrating when you’re trying to sleep. Think about the possible sounds that could wake you or keep you awake, and consider what you may be able to do to prevent them happening. White noise is really good for masking other sounds, along with the other soundscapes you’ll find on your SleepHub®, so be sure to give those a try.
Activities to help you relax
Winding down before bed by doing things you find relaxing will help you to prepare for sleep. These can include having a warm bath or shower, reading a book and having a warm drink. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga and breathing techniques can also be great for unwinding. Scents like lavender and geranium are naturally calming and can help put you in the right frame of mind for sleeping. Remember, late night phone, tablet or phone use can be counter-productive for sleep.
Our resources blog provides information and advice to help you on your journey to better sleep.
We’re here to help you get the best from your SleepHub®, so if your query has not be answered on this page, please take a look at our FAQs page, or contact our team.